500,000 vnđ
1,449,000 vnđ (Giá chưa VAT)Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge-EN Quad core E5-2407 (2.2GHz, 10MB L3 cache, LGA1356, 80 Watt) Turbo Boost, Hyper-Threading |
General information | |
Type | CPU / Microprocessor |
Market segment | Server |
Family | Intel Xeon E5-2400 |
Model number ? | E5-2407 |
CPU part numbers | CM8062001048200 is an OEM/tray microprocessor BX80621E52407 is a boxed microprocessor |
Frequency ? | 2200 MHz |
Bus speed ? | 3200 MHz QPI |
Package | 1356-land Flip-Chip Land Grid Array |
Socket | Socket 1356 (LGA1356) |
Size | 1.77" x 1.67" / 4.5cm x 4.25cm |
Architecture / Microarchitecture | |
Microarchitecture | Sandy Bridge |
Platform | Romley-EN |
Processor core ? | Sandy Bridge-EN |
Manufacturing process | 0.032 micron Hi-K metal gate process |
Data width | 64 bit |
The number of cores | 4 |
The number of threads | 4 |
Floating Point Unit | Integrated |
Level 3 cache size | 10 MB |
Physical memory | 375 GB |
Multiprocessing | Up to 2 processors |
Features | |
Low power features | Enhanced SpeedStep technology ? |
On-chip peripherals |
Electrical/Thermal parameters | |
V core ? | 0.6V - 1.35V |
Thermal Design Power ? | 80 Watt |
MSP: E5-2420
MST/ĐKKD/QĐTL: 0305449167
Trụ Sở Doanh Nghiệp: 344 Huỳnh Tấn Phát, Phường Bình Thuận, Quận 7, Tp. HCM
Email: info@sieuthimaychu.vn | Điện Thoại: (028) 73073776