11,600,000 vnđ
(Giá chưa VAT)Adobe Premiere Pro is used for editing videos, commercials, films, television and other online videos. It also has audio editing functions. It is a comprehensive video editing software application. It is often used in conjunction with After Effects and Photoshop in creative projects. Premiere Pro can be used on Mac OS or Windows computers.
MSP: 65297605BA01B12
MSP: 65297751BA01B12
MST/ĐKKD/QĐTL: 0305449167
Trụ Sở Doanh Nghiệp: 344 Huỳnh Tấn Phát, Phường Bình Thuận, Quận 7, Tp. HCM
Email: info@sieuthimaychu.vn | Điện Thoại: (028) 73073776